
Technical Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Distributed systems missions (DSM), also known as swarm or constellation missions, is an upcoming class of mission design that is changing the current landscape.Swarms enable multipoint observations and higher fidelity science data collection. Autonomy is a critical feature that DSM will require in order to run successfully, especially beyond earth-centric missions and in dynamic environments due to increased delays between ground and space.


Aug 8th, 9:45 AM

An Autonomous Agent Framework for Constellation Missions: A Use Case for Predicting Atmospheric CO2

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Distributed systems missions (DSM), also known as swarm or constellation missions, is an upcoming class of mission design that is changing the current landscape.Swarms enable multipoint observations and higher fidelity science data collection. Autonomy is a critical feature that DSM will require in order to run successfully, especially beyond earth-centric missions and in dynamic environments due to increased delays between ground and space.