DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Initial Results for Science Instruments Onboard EQUULEUS During the Cruising Phase Toward the Earth Moon Lagrange Point


Technical Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) is a spacecraft to explore the cis-lunar region including the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L2 (EML2). The spacecraft is being jointly developed by JAXA, the University of Tokyo, and several other universities in Japan. After being launched into a lunar transfer orbit by NASA's SLS (Space Launch System) Artemis-1 on November 16, 2022, the spacecraft successfully performed a first Delta-V and a trajectory correction maneuver. This enabled a precise lunar flyby and successful insertion into the orbit toward EML2.

Although the size of EQUULEUS is only 6U CubeSat, the spacecraft carries three different science instruments. The spacecraft can effectively demonstrate science missions during and after the flight to EML2 by using these instruments; the plasmasphere observation around the Earth by PHOENIX, the space dust flux detection in the cis-lunar region by CLOTH, and the lunar impact flash (LIF) observation at the far side of the moon by DELPHINUS.

All instruments have already completed its checkout. During the cruising phase, PHOENIX conducted Earth observations and successfully identified the Earth's plasmashere. CLOTH has started regular standby operations. DELPHINUS obtained impressive images such as the far side of the Moon at lunar closest approach and long-period comet, Comet ZTF. This poster presents the details of these scientific missions and the initial checkout and observation results of the science instruments.


Aug 8th, 9:45 AM

Initial Results for Science Instruments Onboard EQUULEUS During the Cruising Phase Toward the Earth Moon Lagrange Point

Utah State University, Logan, UT

EQUULEUS (EQUilibriUm Lunar-Earth point 6U Spacecraft) is a spacecraft to explore the cis-lunar region including the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L2 (EML2). The spacecraft is being jointly developed by JAXA, the University of Tokyo, and several other universities in Japan. After being launched into a lunar transfer orbit by NASA's SLS (Space Launch System) Artemis-1 on November 16, 2022, the spacecraft successfully performed a first Delta-V and a trajectory correction maneuver. This enabled a precise lunar flyby and successful insertion into the orbit toward EML2.

Although the size of EQUULEUS is only 6U CubeSat, the spacecraft carries three different science instruments. The spacecraft can effectively demonstrate science missions during and after the flight to EML2 by using these instruments; the plasmasphere observation around the Earth by PHOENIX, the space dust flux detection in the cis-lunar region by CLOTH, and the lunar impact flash (LIF) observation at the far side of the moon by DELPHINUS.

All instruments have already completed its checkout. During the cruising phase, PHOENIX conducted Earth observations and successfully identified the Earth's plasmashere. CLOTH has started regular standby operations. DELPHINUS obtained impressive images such as the far side of the Moon at lunar closest approach and long-period comet, Comet ZTF. This poster presents the details of these scientific missions and the initial checkout and observation results of the science instruments.