DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Developing a Comprehensive Power Simulation Model for the MEMESat-1 CubeSat Using Orbital Dynamics


Weekend Poster Session 1


Utah State University, Logan, UT


The University of Georgia’s Small Satellite Research Lab’s Mission for Education and Multimedia Engagement Satellite (MEMESat-1) requires the use of variables such as power generation, power draw, orbital path, packet size, and data processing times. As power generation and charge varies, MEMESat-1 will automatically transition through three operational modes to prevent battery depletion and halt system processes in case of anomalies.

Taking these variables and operational modes into account, the MEMESat-1 Mission Operations (MOPS) team will use FreeFlyer software to analyze power generation and draw during MEMESat-1’s orbital cycle. The power limitations of MEMESat-1 are budgeted based on battery and solar cell specifications implying the necessity of power simulations by MOPS.


Aug 5th, 10:15 AM

Developing a Comprehensive Power Simulation Model for the MEMESat-1 CubeSat Using Orbital Dynamics

Utah State University, Logan, UT

The University of Georgia’s Small Satellite Research Lab’s Mission for Education and Multimedia Engagement Satellite (MEMESat-1) requires the use of variables such as power generation, power draw, orbital path, packet size, and data processing times. As power generation and charge varies, MEMESat-1 will automatically transition through three operational modes to prevent battery depletion and halt system processes in case of anomalies.

Taking these variables and operational modes into account, the MEMESat-1 Mission Operations (MOPS) team will use FreeFlyer software to analyze power generation and draw during MEMESat-1’s orbital cycle. The power limitations of MEMESat-1 are budgeted based on battery and solar cell specifications implying the necessity of power simulations by MOPS.