DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: On-Orbit Demonstration of the Water Resistojet Propulsion System on Commercial 6U-Sat SPHERE-1 EYE


Weekday Session 5: Propulsion


Utah State University, Logan, UT


SPHERE-1 EYE, a 6U CubeSat developed by Sony Group Corporation, was launched at the beginning of 2023. The satellite included a water resistojet propulsion system, which is designed for orbit raising after the initial checkout. The water resistojet propulsion system consists of a tank, a vaporizer, nozzles, a control board, and a power processing unit. The form factor of the propulsion system is 1.25 U, the wet mass is 1.4 kg, and the achievable total impulse of the system is 170 Ns or higher. A unique design of the water propulsion system is a vaporization chamber generating steam at room temperature and low pressure, under 10 kPa. The performance measured on the ground shows a thrust of 2.7 mN, and a specific impulse of 60 s. A qualification test campaign including vibration, shock, thermal, throughput, and system performance tests was conducted, followed by acceptance tests. On-orbit demonstration was conducted on March 3rd and 16th for all four nozzles and the thrust generation was confirmed. The estimated thrust on orbit was 6.1 - 7.2 mN. Comparison between the on-orbit results and the ground tests demonstrated the functionality of the system as anticipated.


Aug 8th, 2:00 PM

On-Orbit Demonstration of the Water Resistojet Propulsion System on Commercial 6U-Sat SPHERE-1 EYE

Utah State University, Logan, UT

SPHERE-1 EYE, a 6U CubeSat developed by Sony Group Corporation, was launched at the beginning of 2023. The satellite included a water resistojet propulsion system, which is designed for orbit raising after the initial checkout. The water resistojet propulsion system consists of a tank, a vaporizer, nozzles, a control board, and a power processing unit. The form factor of the propulsion system is 1.25 U, the wet mass is 1.4 kg, and the achievable total impulse of the system is 170 Ns or higher. A unique design of the water propulsion system is a vaporization chamber generating steam at room temperature and low pressure, under 10 kPa. The performance measured on the ground shows a thrust of 2.7 mN, and a specific impulse of 60 s. A qualification test campaign including vibration, shock, thermal, throughput, and system performance tests was conducted, followed by acceptance tests. On-orbit demonstration was conducted on March 3rd and 16th for all four nozzles and the thrust generation was confirmed. The estimated thrust on orbit was 6.1 - 7.2 mN. Comparison between the on-orbit results and the ground tests demonstrated the functionality of the system as anticipated.