
Weekday Session 11: Advanced Technologies 2


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) is a low-density carbon phenolic ablator that has been used as the planetary entry heatshield for several NASA missions since the late 90's. Its low density and efficient performance characteristics have proven effective for use from Discovery to Flagship class missions, from Sample Return missions such as Stardust, OSIRIS-REx to large Mars lander missions such as MSL and Mars 2020.

Continued development of a mass efficient, compliant version of PICA that use a carbon felt as the substrate will be presented. The felt based versions of PICA known as Conformal PICA (C-PICA) and Soft PICA (S-PICA) are comparable in terms of peak heat-flux capabilities compared to standard PICA. Additionally, a novel all felt PICA-Flex offers further reductions in density, with higher thermal protection efficiency resulting in additional mass savings beyond C-PICA. Furthermore, the compliant nature of these materials allows for application without a Strain Isolation Pad to a wide variety of substrates, making attractive for commercial low earth orbit missions as well as NASA's aerocapture missions to Ice Giants. NASA is currently working with several commercial partners (Varda Space Industries and Inversion Space) to technology transfer C/S-PICA variants for commercial LEO missions. Preliminary thermal and mechanical tests have been conducted comparing the performance of C/S-PICA and PICA-Flex materials.

Available for download on Friday, August 02, 2024


Aug 8th, 12:00 PM

Development of Advanced Ablative Carbon Phenolic TPS for Future NASA Missions and Commercial Space

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) is a low-density carbon phenolic ablator that has been used as the planetary entry heatshield for several NASA missions since the late 90's. Its low density and efficient performance characteristics have proven effective for use from Discovery to Flagship class missions, from Sample Return missions such as Stardust, OSIRIS-REx to large Mars lander missions such as MSL and Mars 2020.

Continued development of a mass efficient, compliant version of PICA that use a carbon felt as the substrate will be presented. The felt based versions of PICA known as Conformal PICA (C-PICA) and Soft PICA (S-PICA) are comparable in terms of peak heat-flux capabilities compared to standard PICA. Additionally, a novel all felt PICA-Flex offers further reductions in density, with higher thermal protection efficiency resulting in additional mass savings beyond C-PICA. Furthermore, the compliant nature of these materials allows for application without a Strain Isolation Pad to a wide variety of substrates, making attractive for commercial low earth orbit missions as well as NASA's aerocapture missions to Ice Giants. NASA is currently working with several commercial partners (Varda Space Industries and Inversion Space) to technology transfer C/S-PICA variants for commercial LEO missions. Preliminary thermal and mechanical tests have been conducted comparing the performance of C/S-PICA and PICA-Flex materials.