Weekend Poster Session 1
Utah State University, Logan, UT
ContentCube is a novel 1U CubeSat developed by inspireFly at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, in collaboration with Bronco Space at Cal Poly Pomona. The mission of ContentCube is to test the performance of the Adafruit breakout board OLED screen in orbit. This mission could pave the way for using display screens in the space environment. Such applications could include astronauts having displays on their suits that they can use to monitor critical information, or robotic systems having complex digital displays. The external display screen will be tested through a novel payload designed and tested at Virginia Tech. This payload utilizes an Arducam Mega camera, and a mirror attached to a deployable boom to take a picture of the display screen. The mission will be considered a success if a picture of the working display screen is transmitted back to Earth. In addition to this novel payload, ContentCube will be the first test by an outside university of Bronco Space’s PROVES Kit, a 1U satellite bus designed to be easily modified by other universities for their own use. This multi-university effort will test the viability of payload modifications to PROVES to see if it is a suitable platform to accelerate satellite development at universities.
ContentCube: A 1U CubeSat to Test Display Screens in Space
Utah State University, Logan, UT
ContentCube is a novel 1U CubeSat developed by inspireFly at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, in collaboration with Bronco Space at Cal Poly Pomona. The mission of ContentCube is to test the performance of the Adafruit breakout board OLED screen in orbit. This mission could pave the way for using display screens in the space environment. Such applications could include astronauts having displays on their suits that they can use to monitor critical information, or robotic systems having complex digital displays. The external display screen will be tested through a novel payload designed and tested at Virginia Tech. This payload utilizes an Arducam Mega camera, and a mirror attached to a deployable boom to take a picture of the display screen. The mission will be considered a success if a picture of the working display screen is transmitted back to Earth. In addition to this novel payload, ContentCube will be the first test by an outside university of Bronco Space’s PROVES Kit, a 1U satellite bus designed to be easily modified by other universities for their own use. This multi-university effort will test the viability of payload modifications to PROVES to see if it is a suitable platform to accelerate satellite development at universities.