DigitalCommons@USU - Small Satellite Conference: Design and Development of an Active Magnetic Docking System for Small Satellites


Weekend Session VIII: Advanced Technologies - Research & Academia 2


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Applications such as self-assembly and reconfiguration in space, on-orbit servicing and refueling, debris and retired elements removal are examples of future space missions that will require space objects that can perform autonomous rendezvous and docking maneuvers with other orbiting elements.

To demonstrate such capability for small satellites, the TAMARIW project is intended to develop two identical 3U CubeSats with autonomous docking systems. These satellites are scheduled to be launched by the end of the first quarter of 2026 to perform several undocking/docking maneuvers in space at predefined relative distances. In addition, the standardization and partial autonomy of the satellite modules will be tested. In case of a failure detected in one satellite, a Recovery and Takeover Protocol can be initiated. In this protocol, the other satellite can send commands to the actuators and receive sensors information directly from the recovered satellite over wireless connection.

Developing an autonomous docking system for small satellites that can guarantee safe automated docking process is very challenging. Small satellites have strict limitations in mass and volume which result in limited power and maneuvering capability. Also, the limited volume restricts the use of complex mechanisms for berthing and docking operations. Magnetic docking systems provides a very good solution to overcome these problems since it can help in both capturing and alignment process to perform close range docking maneuvers without the need of using the propulsion system of the satellite which is difficult to utilize in close proximity. One important problem with using such a system is the effect of the disturbance torque that can generate due to the interaction of the magnetic field of the docking system with the magnetic field of the Earth. Furthermore, the heat dissipation problem needs to be thoroughly analyzed.

This paper will describe the magnetic docking module being developed. The mechanical and electrical designs of the active magnetic docking system will be explained. The latching mechanisms intended to be developed and tested will be outlined. The guidance and docking control subsystem and the docking control strategy being developed will be described. Additionally, a thermal analysis of the guidance and docking control subsystem will be presented.


Aug 4th, 5:45 PM

Design and Development of an Active Magnetic Docking System for Small Satellites

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Applications such as self-assembly and reconfiguration in space, on-orbit servicing and refueling, debris and retired elements removal are examples of future space missions that will require space objects that can perform autonomous rendezvous and docking maneuvers with other orbiting elements.

To demonstrate such capability for small satellites, the TAMARIW project is intended to develop two identical 3U CubeSats with autonomous docking systems. These satellites are scheduled to be launched by the end of the first quarter of 2026 to perform several undocking/docking maneuvers in space at predefined relative distances. In addition, the standardization and partial autonomy of the satellite modules will be tested. In case of a failure detected in one satellite, a Recovery and Takeover Protocol can be initiated. In this protocol, the other satellite can send commands to the actuators and receive sensors information directly from the recovered satellite over wireless connection.

Developing an autonomous docking system for small satellites that can guarantee safe automated docking process is very challenging. Small satellites have strict limitations in mass and volume which result in limited power and maneuvering capability. Also, the limited volume restricts the use of complex mechanisms for berthing and docking operations. Magnetic docking systems provides a very good solution to overcome these problems since it can help in both capturing and alignment process to perform close range docking maneuvers without the need of using the propulsion system of the satellite which is difficult to utilize in close proximity. One important problem with using such a system is the effect of the disturbance torque that can generate due to the interaction of the magnetic field of the docking system with the magnetic field of the Earth. Furthermore, the heat dissipation problem needs to be thoroughly analyzed.

This paper will describe the magnetic docking module being developed. The mechanical and electrical designs of the active magnetic docking system will be explained. The latching mechanisms intended to be developed and tested will be outlined. The guidance and docking control subsystem and the docking control strategy being developed will be described. Additionally, a thermal analysis of the guidance and docking control subsystem will be presented.