
Weekday Session 3: Science/Mission Payloads


Utah State University, Logan, UT


Lunar Vertex (LVx), a lander-rover science investigation of Reiner Gamma, was selected as NASA's first PRISM (Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon) mission in June 2021. The PRISM program is under NASA's Planetary Missions Program Office (PMPO). To facilitate a quick delivery at low cost, NASA is managing PRISM missions to the requirements for research and technology projects as documented in NASA Procedural Requirements document NPR 7120.8. It is JHU/APL's first science mission developed under the NPR 7120.8 requirements. NASA and JHU/APL worked together to accept a higher risk posture, to allow for less stringent requirements, significantly reduced documentation, and reduced oversight and review than required for flight projects managed to NASA Procedural Requirements document NPR 7120.5. This program structure facilitates use of commercial products, providing a pathway for new suppliers to participate in NASA scientific investigations. Lunar Vertex (LVx) is a pathfinder to establishing a new lost-cost science mission paradigm and has been a learning experience for everyone involved. Lessons learned have been identified and recommendations are provided.

Available for download on Friday, August 02, 2024


Aug 6th, 8:15 AM

NASA PRISM's Lunar Vertex Mission – Lessons Learned in Establishing a New Low-Cost Science Mission Paradigm

Utah State University, Logan, UT

Lunar Vertex (LVx), a lander-rover science investigation of Reiner Gamma, was selected as NASA's first PRISM (Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon) mission in June 2021. The PRISM program is under NASA's Planetary Missions Program Office (PMPO). To facilitate a quick delivery at low cost, NASA is managing PRISM missions to the requirements for research and technology projects as documented in NASA Procedural Requirements document NPR 7120.8. It is JHU/APL's first science mission developed under the NPR 7120.8 requirements. NASA and JHU/APL worked together to accept a higher risk posture, to allow for less stringent requirements, significantly reduced documentation, and reduced oversight and review than required for flight projects managed to NASA Procedural Requirements document NPR 7120.5. This program structure facilitates use of commercial products, providing a pathway for new suppliers to participate in NASA scientific investigations. Lunar Vertex (LVx) is a pathfinder to establishing a new lost-cost science mission paradigm and has been a learning experience for everyone involved. Lessons learned have been identified and recommendations are provided.