DigitalCommons@USU - Utah Space Grant Consortium: A 1D Plasmasphere Refilling Model through the Application of the Flux-Corrected Transport Method


Utah Valley University Sorensen Center

Start Date

5-9-2016 10:57 AM

End Date

5-9-2016 11:09 AM


The refilling of the plasmasphere following a geomagnetic storm remains one of the longstanding problems in the area of ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. The objective of this paper is the formulation and development of a 1D refilling model through the use of the flux-corrected transport method, a numerical method that is extremely well suited to handling problems with shocks and discontinuities. The developed methodology has been validated against exact, analytical solutions and preliminary results are also seen to be consistent with refilling results reported in the literature. The ultimate objective of this research is the development of a 3D multi-ion model for the plasmasphere refilling problem and with additional development the methodology could potentially be applied to the study of other complex space plasma coupling problems in closed flux tube geometries.


May 9th, 10:57 AM May 9th, 11:09 AM

A 1D Plasmasphere Refilling Model through the Application of the Flux-Corrected Transport Method

Utah Valley University Sorensen Center

The refilling of the plasmasphere following a geomagnetic storm remains one of the longstanding problems in the area of ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. The objective of this paper is the formulation and development of a 1D refilling model through the use of the flux-corrected transport method, a numerical method that is extremely well suited to handling problems with shocks and discontinuities. The developed methodology has been validated against exact, analytical solutions and preliminary results are also seen to be consistent with refilling results reported in the literature. The ultimate objective of this research is the development of a 3D multi-ion model for the plasmasphere refilling problem and with additional development the methodology could potentially be applied to the study of other complex space plasma coupling problems in closed flux tube geometries.