DigitalCommons@USU - Utah Space Grant Consortium: Martian Mining: Designing a Modular Autonomous Robotic System

Start Date

5-6-2019 10:15 AM


The annual NASA Robotic Mining Challenge tasks teams with building robots capable of traversing and mining simulated Martian terrain. The competition goal is to utilize automation and sensing alongside mechanical systems to harvest icy regolith (gravel) from beneath the planet’s surface. This year, Utah Student Robotics has completely redesigned their robot to improve the collection of icy regolith. The 2019-2020 rover is based on proven NASA concepts, such as the RASSOR 2.0 digging drum, and the Rocker-Bogie mobility platform.


Poster Session


May 6th, 10:15 AM

Martian Mining: Designing a Modular Autonomous Robotic System

The annual NASA Robotic Mining Challenge tasks teams with building robots capable of traversing and mining simulated Martian terrain. The competition goal is to utilize automation and sensing alongside mechanical systems to harvest icy regolith (gravel) from beneath the planet’s surface. This year, Utah Student Robotics has completely redesigned their robot to improve the collection of icy regolith. The 2019-2020 rover is based on proven NASA concepts, such as the RASSOR 2.0 digging drum, and the Rocker-Bogie mobility platform.