
2023 poster session


Weber State University

Start Date

5-8-2023 10:00 AM


A VASIMR (Variable Specific-Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket) engine is an electrically-powered engine that uses plasma as a propellant for accelerating spacecraft in the vacuum of space. The VASIMR engine is designed to provide higher specific impulse and greater thrust efficiency compared to traditional chemical rockets. The engine works by ionizing a gas, such as argon or hydrogen, and heating it to extremely high temperatures to create a plasma. This plasma is then accelerated and ejected out of the engine at high speeds, producing thrust. VASIMR is seen as a promising technology for future deep space missions due to its potential to significantly reduce travel time and costs. However, there are still technical and engineering challenges that need to be overcome before the VASIMR engine can be used in space missions.


May 8th, 10:00 AM

Collisional Losses in a VASIMR (Variable Specific-Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket)

Weber State University

A VASIMR (Variable Specific-Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket) engine is an electrically-powered engine that uses plasma as a propellant for accelerating spacecraft in the vacuum of space. The VASIMR engine is designed to provide higher specific impulse and greater thrust efficiency compared to traditional chemical rockets. The engine works by ionizing a gas, such as argon or hydrogen, and heating it to extremely high temperatures to create a plasma. This plasma is then accelerated and ejected out of the engine at high speeds, producing thrust. VASIMR is seen as a promising technology for future deep space missions due to its potential to significantly reduce travel time and costs. However, there are still technical and engineering challenges that need to be overcome before the VASIMR engine can be used in space missions.