
2023 poster session


Weber State University

Start Date

5-8-2023 10:00 AM


Euhalothece is a genus of cyanobacteria that thrive in hypersaline lacustrine and marine environments, including Great Salt Lake, where it dominates primary production in the benthic zone. This occurs primarily through its role as a major architect of microbialite structures. The ongoing rapid decline of GSL subjects these structures to desiccation and elevated salinity, threatening Euhalothece and the benthic ecosystem at large. The purpose of this research was to first review Euhalothece and its role in the GSL benthic food web, then to isolate Euhalothece from GSL microbial mats in an attempt to characterize this species. Additionally, microbialite mats can mineralize and leave a signature in the rock record. The Perseverance rover is currently looking for such biosignatures on the surface of Mars, and the living mats at GSL and their bacterial architects may provide insight into an ancient habitable Mars environment.


May 8th, 10:00 AM

Euhalothece: The Story of a Primary Producer and the Great Salt Lake Benthic Food Chain

Weber State University

Euhalothece is a genus of cyanobacteria that thrive in hypersaline lacustrine and marine environments, including Great Salt Lake, where it dominates primary production in the benthic zone. This occurs primarily through its role as a major architect of microbialite structures. The ongoing rapid decline of GSL subjects these structures to desiccation and elevated salinity, threatening Euhalothece and the benthic ecosystem at large. The purpose of this research was to first review Euhalothece and its role in the GSL benthic food web, then to isolate Euhalothece from GSL microbial mats in an attempt to characterize this species. Additionally, microbialite mats can mineralize and leave a signature in the rock record. The Perseverance rover is currently looking for such biosignatures on the surface of Mars, and the living mats at GSL and their bacterial architects may provide insight into an ancient habitable Mars environment.