
2023 poster session


Weber State University

Start Date

5-8-2023 10:00 AM


Our project went forward in two stages, the first stage being the building and testing of the detectors and the second being the primary experiment to test the detectors in their coincidence modes. Experiences with the build phase, particularly with the setting of thresholds for the detectors, lead to the interest in determining the statistical significance of these values.


May 8th, 10:00 AM

Are They Really Muons: Determining the Viability of CosmicWatch Muon Detectors in ‘Coincidence Mode’

Weber State University

Our project went forward in two stages, the first stage being the building and testing of the detectors and the second being the primary experiment to test the detectors in their coincidence modes. Experiences with the build phase, particularly with the setting of thresholds for the detectors, lead to the interest in determining the statistical significance of these values.