
2023 poster session


Weber State University

Start Date

5-8-2023 10:00 AM


Cyanobacteria are the largest contributor to oxygen production on earth and play a substantial role in making earth a viable place to live. With increasing interest in the colonization of Mars, this project aims to use cyanobacteria to terraform the atmosphere of Mars. Carbon dioxide constitutes 98% of the Martian atmosphere making it uninhabitable for most forms of life. An emulation of the Martian atmosphere will be created using an anaerobic chamber, putting the pressure under vacuum, and supplementing the air with carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas. Cyanobacteria will be grown in a photobioreactor under these conditions and the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels will be measured.


May 8th, 10:00 AM

Reducing Carbon Dioxide Levels on Mars Using Cyanobacteria

Weber State University

Cyanobacteria are the largest contributor to oxygen production on earth and play a substantial role in making earth a viable place to live. With increasing interest in the colonization of Mars, this project aims to use cyanobacteria to terraform the atmosphere of Mars. Carbon dioxide constitutes 98% of the Martian atmosphere making it uninhabitable for most forms of life. An emulation of the Martian atmosphere will be created using an anaerobic chamber, putting the pressure under vacuum, and supplementing the air with carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas. Cyanobacteria will be grown in a photobioreactor under these conditions and the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels will be measured.