
2024 Poster Session


Salt Lake Community College Westpointe Campus, Salt Lake City, UT

Start Date

5-6-2024 9:55 AM


Brown dwarfs are celestial bodies outside the solar system that are more massive than planets, but less massive than stars. Since they are less massive than stars, they do not fuse hydrogen in their core, but rather cool slowly over time. However, brown dwarfs still emit light. We can measure this light by taking its spectra. From this spectra, we can learn many characteristics and properties of brown dwarfs, such as their temperature, chemical composition, and much more. Brown dwarfs can be categorized by their spectra into M,L,T and Y spectral types. Since brown dwarfs lack hydrogen fusion as an internal energy source, they are cooler than stars, with temperatures ranging from 2400 K to 250 K. These cooler temperatures allow for the formation of molecules that form condensates and clouds in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs. To better understand the physics of both brown dwarf and planetary atmospheres, it is important to create models that are good fits to the observed spectra.

Available for download on Tuesday, July 01, 2025


May 6th, 9:55 AM

Atmospheric Modeling of Brown Dwarfs With PICASO, SONORA, and JWST

Salt Lake Community College Westpointe Campus, Salt Lake City, UT

Brown dwarfs are celestial bodies outside the solar system that are more massive than planets, but less massive than stars. Since they are less massive than stars, they do not fuse hydrogen in their core, but rather cool slowly over time. However, brown dwarfs still emit light. We can measure this light by taking its spectra. From this spectra, we can learn many characteristics and properties of brown dwarfs, such as their temperature, chemical composition, and much more. Brown dwarfs can be categorized by their spectra into M,L,T and Y spectral types. Since brown dwarfs lack hydrogen fusion as an internal energy source, they are cooler than stars, with temperatures ranging from 2400 K to 250 K. These cooler temperatures allow for the formation of molecules that form condensates and clouds in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs. To better understand the physics of both brown dwarf and planetary atmospheres, it is important to create models that are good fits to the observed spectra.