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When Nurture Becomes Nature: Ethnocentrism in Studies of Human Development, David F. Lancy; Behavioral and Brain Sciences
The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood, David F. Lancy, John Bock, and Suzanne Gaskins
The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood, David F. Lancy, S. Gaskins, and J. Bock
Learning Guided by Others, David F. Lancy and M. Annette Grove
Does Change in Household Economic Status Predict Change in Intimate Partner Violence, Jessica Lee Lucero; Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Fransisco, CA
Does Change in Household Economic Status Predict Change in Intimate Partner Violence, Jessica Lee Lucero; Wayne State Graduate Student Exhibition, Detroit, MI
The Contexts Shaping Childhood Exposure to Violence in Schools and Neighborhoods, Jessica Lee Lucero, Anna Maria Santiago, and G. G. Galster; 2nd Annual IOG/MPSI Fall Research Poster Day, Detroit, MI
A Metaanalysis of Motivational Interviewing: Twenty Five Years of Empirical Studies, B. Lundahl, B. L. Burke, Derrik R. Tollefson, C. Kunz, and C. Browell; Research on Social Work Practice
A Multi-Method Assessment of the Community Context of Human Response to Forest Disturbance by Mountain Pine Beetles in Colorado, H. Qin and Courtney G. Flint; International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christie, Texas
Toward a Transdisciplinary Environmental and Resource Sociology in China, H. Qin and Courtney G. Flint; Society and Natural Resources
Capturing Community Context of Human Response to Forest Disturbance by Insects: A Multi-Method Assessment, Hua Qin and Courtney G. Flint; Human Ecology
Examining Neighborhood Disadvantage and Racial Disparities in Body Mass Index Trajectories, Erin Ruel, Eric N. Reither, Stephanie A. Robert, and Paula M. Lantz; Health and Place
The Contexts Shaping Childhood Exposure to Violence in Schools and Neighborhoods., Anna Maria Santiago, Jessica Lee Lucero, G. G. Galster, and J. Cutsinger; Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Atlanta, GA
Traces of Fremont: Society and Rock Art in Ancient Utah, Steven Simms
Public Perception of the Oil and GasIndustry: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, G. L. Theodori and Douglas B. Jackson-Smith; Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual TechnicalConference and Exhibition
Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative, Derrik R. Tollefson; Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative
Domestic Violence Offenders and Offender Treatment, Derrik R. Tollefson; Domestic Violence Offenders and Offender Treatment
Evaluating Teaching Excellence: Peer Evaluation, Derrik R. Tollefson; Evaluating Teaching Excellence: Peer Evaluation
Individual Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenders, Derrik R. Tollefson; Individual Treatment for Domestic Violence Offenders
Uintah Basin Social and Quality of Life Impact Study, Derrik R. Tollefson; Uintah Basin Social and Quality of Life Impact Study
Foster Care and Delinquent/Troubled Youth: A Literature Review with Policy Recommendations, Derrik R. Tollefson, Adam Crawford, and S. C. Egbert; Vernal, UT: Child Welfare Research Institute at Utah State University
Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 3: Draft Self Study Report to the Council on Social Work Education, Derrik R. Tollefson, Terry Peak, and M. D. Calloway-Graham; Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 3: Draft Self Study Report to the Council on Social Work Education
It is a Strange Thing for Us to see Water Being Sold: Local Perceptions of the Fijian Bottled Water Industry, Jessica Ulrich-Schad; Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting
Ties to Place: A Comparison of Native and Non-Native Southeast Alaskan's Ties to Their Communities, Jessica Ulrich-Schad and Thomas G. Safford; New England Sociological Association Fall Meeting
Boulder Jane Doe Identified, Rachel H. Walton; Chesapeake Examiner
Identification of Solvability Factors In Cold Case Homicide Investigation, Rachel H. Walton; International Association for Identification International conference
Uintah Basin Social and Quality of Life Impact Study: Final Report, J. C. Allen, Derrik R. Tollefson, Chang Chih-Yao, D. Malloy, and S. Malin; Uintah Basin Social and Quality of Life Impact Study: Final Report
How Personal Is the Political? Democratic Revolution and Fertility Decline, Amy Kate Bailey; Journal of Family History
Assessing the Needs ofSage-Grouse Local Working Groups: Final Technical Report, L. R. Belton, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and T. A. Messmer; USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Local Knowledge and Risk Perception in Watershed Management, L. BouFajreldin and Courtney G. Flint; Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Madison, Wisconsin
Exploring the Feasibility of Mediated Final Offer Arbitration as a Technique for Managing "Gridlocked" Environmental Conflict, Steven E. Daniels; Society & Natural Resources
Landscape-Based Cultural Ecosystem Services and Integration Into the Concept of Ecosystem Services, Courtney G. Flint; Kerner von Marilaun Workshop on Landscape-Based Cultural Ecosystem Service, Lunz, Austria
Temporal Changes and Spatial Variations in Local Atitudes on Forest Disturbance by Insects in Alaska, Courtney G. Flint, S. Chi, H. Qin, and A. E. Luloff; Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, Nevada
Alaskan Subsistence Resources and Communities at Risk: Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Risk Perception Assssment, and Plant Science in Participatory Research, Courtney G. Flint and M. A. Lila; Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Madison, Wisconsin
Human Dimensions of Forest Disturbance by Insects: An International Synthesis, Courtney G. Flint, B. McFarlane, and M. Muller; Environmental Management
Constructing a Community Level Amenity Index, J. Ganning and Courtney G. Flint; Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Madison, Wisconsi
Gender and Work during the Transition: Job Loss in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Russia, Arash Garrossian; Eastern Europe Politics and Societies
The Politics of Welfare in Transition: Gender or Back to Class?, Arash Garrossian; International Journal of Sociology
The Evolution of Same Sex Marriage Law in Canada: Lessons for the U.S, Arash Garrossian and Nancy Kubasek; Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
Factors That Predict Drug Court Completion and Dropout: Findings from an Evaluation of Salt Lake County’s Adult Felony Drug Court, A. O. Hickert, S. W. Boyle, and Derrik R. Tollefson; Journal of Social ServiceResearch
The Persistence ofAgriculture at the Rural-Urban Interface: Does the Cost of Health Insurance Make aDifference?, S. Inwood, J. Sharp, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and J. Clark; Social Responsibility Initiative Topical Report
Agricultural Importance versus Farm Dependence: A New Typology, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith and E. Jensen; Rural Sociology
Agency and the Role of Children in Genetic and Cultural Transmission, David F. Lancy; Institute for the African Child
Cultural Transmission and the Paradox of Children’s Agency , David F. Lancy; American Anthropological Association
Pedagogy Without Teaching: Folk Theories of Children’s Development, David F. Lancy; International Conference on Culture and the Mind
Pick When Ripe: Native Theories of Children’s Development, David F. Lancy; School of Teaching and Learning, Ohio State University
Re-Staging Childhood, David F. Lancy; Lemelson-Society for Psychological Anthropology Conference Fund
Social Status Inconsistency and Migration, Ji-youn Lee, Michael B. Toney, and E. Helen Berry; Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Examining the paths between financial strain, depression, parenting stress, and emotional intimate partner violence: A structural equation model, Jessica Lee Lucero; 1st Annual IOG/MPSI Fall Research Poster Day, Detroit, MI
Health beliefs and gender specificity in sexual health promotion., Jessica Lee Lucero; 2009 Michigan Academy of Science and Leters, Detroit, MI
Digging the Dugway?: Understanding Involvement in Local Politics, Sandra Marquart-Pyatt and Peggy Petrzelka
Review of: We Share Walls. Language, Land, and Gender in Berber Morocco, Peggy Petrzelka
A Review of Western Environmental Sociology and Natrual Resource Sociology, H. Qin and Courtney G. Flint; Chinese Journal o Population, Resource and Environment
Rural Labor Out-Mitigration, Community Development, and Rural Environmental Conservation in Chongqing Municipality, Southwest China, H. Qin and Courtney G. Flint; Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Beijing, China
Rural-to-Urban Migration, Household Livelihoods and the Rural Environment in Chongqing, Southwest China, H. Qin and Courtney G. Flint; Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, Nevada
Associations between Educational Attainment and Diabetes in Utah: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1996-2007, Eric N. Reither, Theresa M. Fedor, Karin M. Abel, and Dan J. Hatch; Utah's Health: An Annual Review
Predicting Adult Health and Mortality from Adolescent Facial Characteristics in Yearbook Photographs, Eric N. Reither, Robert M. Hauser, and Karen C. Swallen; Demography
Do Birth Cohorts Matter? Age-Period-Cohort Anaylses of the Obesity Epidemic in the United States, Eric N. Reither, Robert M. Hauser, and Yang Yang; Social Science and Medicine
Educational Status and HIV Disparities in Cameroon: Are Uneducated Women at Reduced Risk of HIV Infection?, Eric N. Reither and Joyce N. Mumah; African Population Studies
A Procedure to Correct Proxy-Reported Weight in the National Health Interview Survey, 1976-2002, Eric N. Reither and Rebecca L. Utz; Population Health Metrics
Influence and Effectiveness of Financial Incentive Programs in Promoting Sustainable Forestry in the South, Thomas J. Straka, John L. Greene, Michael G. Jacobson, Steven E. Daniels, and Michael A. Kilgore; Southern Journal of Applied Forestry
A Mind-Body Approach to Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: Phase II Outcomes, Derrik R. Tollefson; A Mind-Body Approach to Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: Phase II Outcomes
A Mind-Body Approach to Stress Management, Derrik R. Tollefson; A Mind-Body Approach to Stress Management
Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative, Derrik R. Tollefson; Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative
Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 1 Commissioner Visit Report Response to the Council on Social Work Education, Derrik R. Tollefson; Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 1 Commissioner Visit Report Response to the Council on Social Work Education
A Brain Basis for Transforming Consciousness with Mind- Body Bridging: Implications for Domestic Violence Offender Treatment, Derrik R. Tollefson, Stanley Block, and Kevin Webb; A Brain Basis for Transforming Consciousness with Mind- Body Bridging: Implications for Domestic Violence Offender Treatment
Understanding Women’s Intimate Partner Violence: A Utah Example, Derrik R. Tollefson and E. Gross; Journal of Sociology, Social Work and Social Welfare
Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 2 Report to the Council on Social Work Education, Derrik R. Tollefson, Terry Peak, and M. D. Calloway-Graham; Utah State University’s MSW Benchmark 2 Report to the Council on Social Work Education
A Body-Mind Approach to Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment, Derrik R. Tollefson, K. Webb, D. Shumway, S. H. Block, and Y. Nakamura; Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
The Social, Cultural, and Environmental Impacts of the Bottled Water Industry in Fiji, Jessica Ulrich-Schad; Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting
Boulder Jane Doe Identified, The Vidocq Society: A Free Cold Case Resource, Rachel H. Walton; Chesapeake Examiner
Cold Case Analysis Training for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors, Rachel H. Walton
They're Alive! Breathing New Life Into the Investigation and Prosecution of Cold Case Homicides, Rachel H. Walton; American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Personalizing Lynch Victims: A New Database to Support the Study of Mob Violence, Amy Kate Bailey, Stewart E. Tolnay, E. M. Beck, Alison Renee Roberts, and Nicholas H. Wong; Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History
Widening Racial and Ethnic Disparities in AIDS Incidence in Salt Lake City-Ogden, Utah, 1990-2000, Erika K. Barth, Sang Lim Lee, and Eric N. Reither; Utah's Health: An Annual Review
Bringing together local culture and rural development: Findings from Ireland, Pennsylvania and Alaska, M. A. Brennan, Courtney G. Flint, and A. E. Luloff; Sociologia Ruralis
Local Culture and Rural Development: A Neglected Relationship, M. A. Brennan, Courtney G. Flint, and A. E. Luloff; Sociologia Ruralis
Comparative Institutions andManagement Resiliency in Latin American Small-Scale Fisheries, B. Chapman, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and P. Petrzelka; The Social ScienceJournal
Community Perspectives on Pine Beetle Impacts and Management in Colorado, Courtney G. Flint; Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Boulder Colorado
Public Awareness of Invasive Plant Species in a Rapidly Shifting Landscape, Courtney G. Flint; International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Burlington, Vermon
Supervising Independent Undergaduate Student Research, Courtney G. Flint; International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Burlington, Vermont
Where is 'community' in community based forestry?, Courtney G. Flint, A. E. Luloff, and James C. Finley; Society and Natural Resources
From the Resort to the Ranch: North Central Colorado Perpectives on Mountain Pine Beetles and Forest Disturbance, Courtney G. Flint, H. Qin, and J. Ganning; International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Burlington, Vermont
Finding water for farms and homes in Cache Valley: A challenge for the 21st Century, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith; Utah Northern Water Users Association Newsletter
Farming in the Urban Shadow: Supporting Agriculture at the Rural-Urban Interface, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith and J. Sharp; Rural Realities
The Anthropology of Childhood: Cherubs, Chattel, Changelings, David Lancy
The Elastic Nature of Childhood, David F. Lancy; Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Society for Anthropological Sciences
The Long and Short of it: Social Construction of Childhood, David F. Lancy; The Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth
A Meta-Analysis of Father Involvement in Parent Training, B. Lundahl, Derrik R. Tollefson, H. Risser, and M. C. Lovejoy; Research on Social Work Practice
Trust, the Democratic Process, and Involvement in a Rural Community, Sandra Marquart-Pyatt and Peggy Petrzelka; Rural Sociology
Allostatic Load, Eric N. Reither; Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development
The Distribution and Determinants of Overweight Among Adolescents in the Intermountain West, Eric N. Reither, Hyojun Park, Nao Xiong, and Matthew McCabe; Utah's Health: An Annual Review
Skills Needed to Help Communities Manage Natural Resource Conflicts, Loretta Singletary, L. Steven Smutko, George C. Hill, Marilyn Smith, Steven E. Daniels, J.Janet S. Ayres, and Kay Haaland; Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative, Derrik R. Tollefson; Annual Progress Report, State of Utah BSW Child Welfare Traineeship Collaborative
Assessment of Domestic Violence Offenders, Derrik R. Tollefson; Assessment of Domestic Violence Offenders
Child Abuse, Derrik R. Tollefson; World Book Encyclopedia
Outcomes from an Evaluation of Centro de la Familia de Utah’s Parent Instruction and Resource Center, Derrik R. Tollefson; Outcomes from an Evaluation of Centro de la Familia de Utah’s Parent Instruction and Resource Center
Program Evaluation for Child Welfare Managers, Derrik R. Tollefson; Program Evaluation for Child Welfare Managers
A Mind-Body Approach to Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: Program Overview and Preliminary Outcomes, Derrik R. Tollefson, Stanley Block, and Kevin Webb; A Mind-Body Approach to Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: Program Overview and Preliminary Outcomes
Factors that Predict Attrition froma State Sponsored Rural Batterer Treatment Program, Derrik R. Tollefson, E. Gross, and B. Lundahl; Journalof Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma