Student Collector

Courtney MuseFollow

Date Collected

Fall 10-8-2017

Place item was collected

Draper, Utah


Brandon Muse

Point of Discovery/Informant Bio

Brandon is 23 years old, a junior at Utah State University majoring in Public Health emphasizing in Industrial Hygiene and my husband. He grew up in Ogden, Utah and when he left to serve his two year LDS mission in Guatemala, his family moved to Ivins, Utah. Brandon has a niece who is 2 and a nephew is 4. He was the 2nd oldest child out of 4 but his two younger siblings are only 2 years younger than him.


Brandon and I were staying at my sister’s house in Bluffdale, Utah this particular weekend because my best friend got married and we were part of the wedding. My sister was 9 months pregnant with her 3rd child and scheduled to be induced the next Thursday. We woke up Sunday morning to my brother-in-law telling us my sister’s water broke and they were heading to the hospital and asked if we could watch their other 2 girls. My sister wanted my me, my mom and sisters in the delivery room so when she started dilating more, I was going to join everyone at the hospital. When time came no one else was around to help Brandon watch the two girls and my 5-year-old nephew who was just dropped off at my parent’s house. He had to watch all 3 kids, under 5 until someone was there to help him or until the baby was born. Brandon had seen this gif on Facebook scrolling through his feed, when I asked how he was doing, he looked at the chaos and though immediately of this gif. He just found it again using his iPhone, in iMessage, he found the gif (through the little app store symbol) by typing in “this is fine”. I’ve seen this gif on social media as well, not used in the same context that Brandon used it in, but it is on social media.


See attached images


I received these texts while we were in the delivery room and showed everyone that was there, we all laughed. Brandon says that he was feeling a little overwhelmed with the kids and was looking around at the chaos and remembered a gif he saw (the gif he sent) a burning building, with a dog in the building with no obvious signs of escape and thought “This pretty much sums up my life right now”.


Introduction to Folklore, ENGL2210


Lynne McNeill

Semester and year

Fall 2017


G9: Internet Memes

EAD Number


Additional Files

Text 1.jpg (167 kB)
Text Image 1

Text 2.jpg (200 kB)
Text Image 2

This is Fine.jpg (83 kB)
