Student Collector

Cy RobinsonFollow

Date Collected

Fall 12-1-2018

Place item was collected

Logan, Utah


Madelyn Schnittgen

Point of Discovery/Informant Bio

My informant Madelyn Schnittgen, formerly Robinson, is my sister. She is currently 21 and recently married. Her and her husband live in our home town of Blackfoot, Idaho (pop. approximately, 11,000). She was a student body officer her senior year and drove a 2004 Ford Explorer. She was two years older than me so we shared a couple of years in high school together. Being a student body officer and a native Blackfoot-ian she knew nearly the entire student body. Madelyn was involved with the school dance club, a service club and was well known amongst the faculty having volunteered to be an office aid.


Madelyn had texted me and asked if I would like to go to lunch with her and her friends (I was also friends with them). As we convened and piled into the car conversations started as to deciding where we would go for lunch. The way the parking lot was set up we were in a line of cars for a solid 10 minutes inching along, to our left the football field and to the right redneck row. Redneck row was an aisle of 30 or so trucks parked side by side. (redneck row was always a “reserved” space for lifted, American flag/Confederate flag waving trucks. I had remembered this time going to lunch because as my sister and I inched along she made a passing comment about eating squirrel with a guy on redneck row for lunch. I straight up asked via text if she had remembered telling me about this situation. So its not the most natural way that this story could have come up but She is still living in Idaho and I’m here is Utah, so this was the best I was going to get. It’s not a thing she brings up a lot unless we are in one of those weird family settings or group settings when everyone is just asking bizarre questions, and a situation like that wasn’t likely to come up with the frequency I see her.


This Is typed verbatim from the texts sent between my sister and me.

C: Do you remember when you told me someone ate a squirrel for lunch on redneck row?

M: Yeah Elijah Whitten would set his grill up in his truck at lunch. Didn’t taste too bad

C: Did he bring the squirrel with him or would he kill one in the parking lot?

M: No he hunted and cleaned them and everything

C: And you ate some?

M: Just a few times

C: Did anything come of it? Was it weird or just his personality?

M: Just his personality. He lived in the middle of Wapello on his families farm and was in the ffa Haha. (Wapello is a smaller community that fed into the Blackfoot school district)


My sister is not much of a conversational texter with me. Our conversations are usually really brief so I had to ask her questions to make her elaborate on the story. She is an individual who is a better writer than conversationalist so if I had given her a week and the prompt of the day she would have wrote a novel about it. There are a million ways that you could get the story out of her and each one would be quite different, written, oral, or texting. She seemed quite confused and only gave short answers, I didn’t give her any context to me asking these questions until after I had finished asking questions. I don’t think she was annoyed as one may assume from reading the way that she texts.


ENGL 2210


Lynne McNeill

Semester and year

Fall 2018


G7: Academic Legends

EAD Number
