Instruments Used in the Identification of Gifted and Talented Students

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University of Connecticutt, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented

Publication Date



A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. This report presents findings of a study of instruments used in the identification of gifted and talented students. The study first examined the published literature, both standardized and locally developed identification instruments and procedures, and strategies used to identify underserved populations. These data were catalogued in the National Repository computer database. The study then reviewed standardized instruments using the "Scale for the Evaluation of Gifted Identification Instruments" for each construct of giftedness named by schools and these reviews were entered into the database. A review of identification procedures led to the compilation of standards for identification. Finally, data were collected on three locally developed instruments with potential for providing unique types of data for screening and identifying talent: the "Diet Cola Test" (better for program evaluation than identification); the "Peer Referral Form" (high reliability and useful with Hispanic populations); and the "Teacher Search List" (reliable in assessing middle school students). Among seven appendices are the database order form, sample database output, a listing of instruments reviewed, the "Scale for the Evaluation of Gifted Identification Instruments" and the "Peer Referral Form." Contains 102 references. (DB)


Originally published by University of Connecticut, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. Full text available through ERIC.
