"Bulletin No. 174 - A Variety Survey and Descriptive Key of Small Grain" by George Stewart


George Stewart

Document Type

Full Issue

Publication Date



Standardization of the varieties of small-grains in Utah is highly important. A mixed condition of grain causes both direct loss and inconvenience. The loss comes about in two principal ways: (1) by the decreased yields resulting from mixed grain, and (2) by the lower price paid for each bushel of mixed grain. This latter loss is especially noticeable in wheat on account of the grading system which penalizes mixed wheat by reducing the grade or by barring it from one of the six market classes and designating it as "mixed" wheat. The inconvenience arises from the fact that some varieties ripen ahead of others, delayed harvest leaving some to shatter while awaiting maturity in others, or else taking some so green as to cause shrinkage and to make curing of the straw difficult. Not of least importance is the fact that less pride is taken in a poor product than in a good one.



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