
E. B. Brossard

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Full Issue

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As ordinarily used "type of farming" suggests general contrasts in the nature of farm business. The bases used in making these contrasts are: (1) sources of farm income, (2) number of farm enterprises, (3) amount of labor, capital, and management applied to each acre of land, and (4) farm practice with reference to maintenance of soil fertility. When based on sources of farm income, farms are classified as grain farms, hay farms, fruit farms, dairy farms, etc., according to the proportionate magnitude of the income from the different sources. When the number of farm enterprises is used as the basis, farms are classified as specialized or diversified. When the amount of labor, capital and management applied to the acre of land is used as the basis, farming is said to be either extensive or intensive. When the farm practice of fertility maintenance is used as the basis of comparison, farming is either exploitive or conservative. These contrasts, tho arbitrary and general, are valuable in suggesting the extremes of farming types. In this study, not only the extremes are noted, but some small differences and similarities in the combination and inter-relations of the farm enterprises are pointed out. Amounts and kinds of crops and livestock raised, purchased, and sold are important as are also the amounts and combinations of machinery, buildings, land, water, labor, and management. Therefore, "type of farming", as used here means kind of farming, and in order to describe the kinds of farming practised in these areas in Utah, more detail is given than is ordinarily suggested by the phrase "type of farming."



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