
James Dryden

Document Type

Full Issue

Publication Date



In reporting the meteorological observations of the Station for the years 1895 and 1896, it has been thought well to include for purposes of comparison records of temperature and precipitation at several other Utah points, as well as other data of climatological importance. The bringing together of all the known facts of our climate is a work of necessity that has been too long neglected. Observers have been patiently collecting data, some of them for a quarter of a century or more, and of the mass that has been collected very little is known outside of the periodical records of the Weather Bureau at Washington, where it can be of little practical advantage to the people of the state. These observations have now certainly continued . long enough to make them of scientific value, and the work entailed in the preparation of this bulletin was undertaken with the object of rendering them more easily accessible.

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Climate Commons



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