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Utah's alfalfa-seed crop is of far-reaching importance. Since 1919, the growing of this crop has been a major industry in western Millard County and in that part of the Uintah Basin situated in Utah. These places are two of the relatively few large areas in the United States peculiarly adapted by climate for the successful growing of alfalfa-seed. As a cash crop, alfalfa-seed has a high commercial value. It is also the basis of the state's alfalfa hay crop, which in turn constitutes the foundation of Utah's livestock industry. Because of its wide dissemination, Utah's alfalfa-seed crop influences the feed supply of many states of America. As indicated in Figure 1, an increase in production of alfalfa-seed began in Utah in 1919 and continued until 1925, when it was estimated that 22,000,000 pounds were produced, with a total value of approximately $2,500,000. After 1925, there was a decline in yield and acreage harvested, until in 1929 and 1930 the annual production had fallen to approximately 3,000,000 pounds. An attempt to meet this emergency has been made through scientific investigation of production methods for alfalfa-seed.
Recommended Citation
Carlson, J. W. and Stewart, George, "Bulletin No. 226 - Alfalfa-Seed Production" (1931). UAES Bulletins. Paper 192.