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It is necessary only to observe groups of rural children to become convinced that too many of them are deprived of their rightful heritage of positive health.
Why children playing together, working together, under conditions which apparently vary but little, should exhibit such wide variation in health conditions, is a question of vital importance to all concerned with the care of children.
It was with the hope of finding some of the causes behind these variations that the present study was initiated. That the problem is complex and intricate was fully realized, and no hope was entertained that its solution could be accomplished by the methods and the extent of the present study. Two hopes, however, were entertained: One was that some of the factors which promote the physical well-being of children might be discovered and brought to the attention of parents and others whose business it is to direct the care of children. The other hope was that this modest attempt might be followed by other studies similar in objective, broader in extent, more intensive in nature, and with improved technique. It would be extremely enlightening if such a study, involving the life history of several hundred children, should enlarge in like proportion the findings discussed in this paper.
Recommended Citation
Brown, Almeda Perry, "Bulletin No. 257 - Factors Promoting Positive Health in School Children" (1935). UAES Bulletins. Paper 225.