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In 1936 the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station organized project 179 entitled "A study of agricultural resources of Utah and their utilization." The project was divided into four sub-projects, A dealing with agricultural economics, B dealing with soil resources, C dealing with irrigational water resources, and D dealing with range resources.
Sub-project D, entitled "Range resources and condition of vegetation cover," was begun in 1936 with a survey of Duchesne and Uintah Counties, and the findings were published as Utah Station Bulletin No. 283, "Range conditions in Uinta Basin, Utah." The field season of 1937 was devoted to Wasatch County, and the data formed a part of the cooperative publication "Range conservation in Wasatch County, Utah," a western range survey report. The field season of 1938 was spent in Rich County, and the findings are presented in the following report.
Acknowledgment is made of the assistance given by the U. S. Agricultural Adjustment Administration in permitting the use of its field data, and of the cooperation of the U. S. Forest Service in furnishing range survey data for the national forest lands within the county. E. L. Guymon, county agent for Rich County, furnished valuable material on the economic resources of the area.
Recommended Citation
Stoddart, L. A., "Bulletin No. 291 - Range Resources of Rich County, Utah" (1940). UAES Bulletins. Paper 253.