"Bulletin No. 312 - Cache: A Beardless, Smut-Resistant Winter Wheat" by R. W. Woodward and D. C. Tingey

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Resistance to dwarf smut is one of the major characteristics sought in the development of any new wheat variety for growing in the Western States. Before the development of resistant varieties, winter wheat losses in northern Utah and adjacent areas resulting from soil-borne dwarf smut were estimated to approach $500,000 annually.

In three principal locations, western Cache, Box Elder, and Juab Counties, Utah Kanred had for years been a good quality, hard red winter wheat variety of high producing ability, but susceptible to smut which in some years almost destroyed the crop. Losses from smut have been greatly reduced in recent years through the growing of the smut-resistant varieties, Relief and Cache, which were developed at the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.

The purpose of this bulletin is to present the results from yield and smut tests and to designate officially the wheat that has been known as "54a-40" or C.l. 11599 by the name "Cache" by which it may be known in the future. A similar bulletin describing "Relief" as a new variety was published by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station in 1935.



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