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The production of turkeys for market by farmers in Utah has increased rapidly since 1935, and in 1944 was the highest in the history of the state. Although turkeys are produced on a relatively few farms , the enterprise is an important source of the state's agricultural income. In 1942 and 1943, the cash income from sales of turkeys was almost six million dollars or equivalent to 5 percent of the total cash income of the state.

In addition to the sale of turkeys, this new enterprise supports, fully or in part, other industries of the state. The processing plants, commercial hatcheries, breeding flocks, feed companies, and others benefit from the development of this industry. Utah is normally a deficit concentrate feed area and imports considerable quantities of feed grain from Idaho and other surplus producing feed areas. This situation presents some problems for the new turkey industry inasmuch as it must compete with other poultry, hogs, dairy, and other livestock for the available feed supplies.

With the rapid development of this enterprise to one of major importance has come requests from turkey producers, farmers, extension workers, vocational agriculture teachers, and others interested in the industry for reliable information on costs and income from this enterprise, and for an analysis of economic and physical factors and production practices which influence the efficiency and returns from commercial turkey production. As is the case of most new developments, little or no information on production practices and problems, and few economic data are available for the use of those interested.



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