"Bulletin No. 330 - Peach Orchard Soil Mangement Studies" by A. L. Stark and D. W. Thorne

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Peaches are the most important fruit crop in Utah. The total number of peach trees is greater and the volume of fruit produced for market is larger than of any other fruit. Most of the peaches are produced by a large number of growers who have small plantings. These small orchards contribute substantially to the total income of the growers and it is, therefore, important that maximum yields of high quality fruit be obtained from limited acreage.

A survey of the fruit production problems in Utah reported in 1938 (13) indicated that poor soil management practices were important in contributing to the frequently poor yields. Since no data were available to indicate the best fertilizers and tillage practices for Utah orchard conditions, experiments were planned to give useful information on these points. Studies included comparisons between five different fertilizer treatments and between three tillage and cover crop practices. Tests were conducted for five years (1940-1944) in orchards carefully selected to be representative of peach growing conditions in the state.



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