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For the last two winters feeding experiments have been carried on by this Station to ascertain the value of beet pulp and beet molasses as food for sheep and steers. In a feeding test made with sheep two years ago, the results of which are reported in bulletin No. 78, sugar beet pulp and sugar beet molasses gave profitable returns. When lucern and pulp were fed, one pound of gain was made from 7.95 pounds of lucern and 17.86 pounds pulp. One hundred pounds of increase was made at a cost of $2.48 and pulp had a value of $1.86 per ton. When lucern, grain (one-half screenings and one-half bran) and pulp were fed, one pound of gain was made from 4.23 pounds lucern, 1.56 pounds grain and 10.14 pounds pulp. One hundred pounds of increase was made at a cost of $2.28 and pulp had a value of $3.38 per ton. These results agree with the results obtained in the last feeding experiment, namely, that the greatest profit comes from feeding lucern and pulp to sheep when a small amount of grain is added to the ration. Pulp fed in limited quantities with lucern or lucern and grain did not give as good results as when similarly fed ad libitum. When lucern, bran and molasses were fed one pound of gain was made from 8.1 pounds of lucern, 1.5 pounds bran and 1.43 pounds of molasses. One hundred pounds of increase was made at a cost of $2.59.
Recommended Citation
Clark, R. W., "Bulletin No. 82 - Feeding Beet Pulp to Steers and Sheep" (1903). UAES Bulletins. Paper 33.