
John A. Widtsoe

Document Type

Full Issue

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Utah's position among the great commonwealths depends upon the degree of development of the agricultural industry of the State. As a producer of wealth, however, the mining industry exceeds agriculture. The total annual value of Utah farm products is about $17,000,000.00, while the total output from the mines is valued at $34,000,000.00. The operation of the mines, reduction mills and smelters necessitates the employment of large numbers of people, who swell the population of the State, and consume a large part of its agricultural products. Utah, which is an inland State, possessing as yet few large manufacturing enterprises, finds the markets afforded by the mining camps of decided advantage to the farmers. On the other hand, the interests of all phases of mining ventures are furthered by the proximity of prosperous agricultural communities. Agriculture and mining, the two great industries of this region, are mutually helpful, and both aid in the development and growth of the State of Utah.



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