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When, in the early part of the year 1905 , the management of the Southern Utah Experiment Farm was turned over to the officials of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, in compliance with an act of the legislature of that year a number of experiments were under way, principally variety tests with orchard and small fruit. The State Board of Horticulture had been in charge of this farm since its establishment in 1899, and had succeeded in making out of it not only a place that will indicate the varieties of fruits adapted to that climate and soil , but also a farm that in neatness and careful arrangement can be an instructive model to anyone contemplating engaging in that industry. The new management decided not to make any radical change in the tests that were under way , but to continue them to such a conclusion a will yield the valuable results that were to come out of them. New tests or investigations are to be started with the same crop without interfering with them as variety tests, and upon the ground still available or which has not yet been set out into orchard, vineyard, or other permanent crops. Such it is planned to do as the problems suggest themselves, and as means are available.



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