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The recent great development of the beet sugar industry in the State of Utah, has made the matter of utilizing the sugar beet pulp an important question for Utah farmers. That beet pulp has a high feeding value, when fed in proper combinations, has been shown conclusively since the establishment of the first beet sugar factory in the State, ten years ago. The experience of other states, and of the beet sugar producing countries of Europe, has likewise demonstrated that beet pulp may be used profitably in the feeding of farm animals. It is doubtlessly true that much is yet to be learned concerning the methods by which the best results may be obtained from the use of the pulp, but several experiment stations, including the Utah Station, are working on this subject, and satisfactory conclusions will soon be obtained. So well is the value of sugar beet pulp beginning to be understood that many farmers are now having pulp shipped many miles to their farms in order that they may feed their animals in the best and most economical manner. Really, the most important problem before the sugar beet farmer is the establishment of an understanding with the manufacturer that will enable every farmer to obtain an amount of pulp equivalent to the quantity of beets sold. In that manner will the fertility of the farms be conserved, and the profits of the farmer be made larger. Sugar beet pulp should be an important factor in the animal production of the districts in which beets are produced for the factory.
Recommended Citation
Widtsoe, John A. and Merrill, Lewis A., "Bulletin No. 74 - Lead Ore in Sugar Beet Pulp" (1902). UAES Bulletins. Paper 96.