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Access and Resilience: Analyzing the Construction of Social Resilience to the Threat of Water Scarcity, Ruth Langridge, Juliet Christian-Smith, and Kathleen A. Lohse; Ecology and Society


Accurate Mental Maps as an Aspect of Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK): A Case Study from Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, John McKenna, Rory J. Quinn, Daniel J. Donnelly, and J. Andrew G. Cooper; Ecology and Society


A Cultural Perspective on Negotiation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Prospects, Michele J. Gelfand and Naomi Dyer; Applied Psychology: An International Review


Adaptive Water Governance: Assessing the Institutional Prescriptions of Adaptive (Co-)Management from a Governance Perspective and Defining a Research Agenda, Dave Huitema, Erik Mostert, Wouter Egas, Sabine Moellenkamp, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, and Resul Yalcin; Ecology and Society


Antisocial Punishment Across Societies, Benedikt Herrmann, Christian Thöni, and Simon Gächter; Science


Attitudes and Persuasion, William D. Crano and Radmila Prislin; Annual Review of Psychology


Attitude-Strength and Support of Recreation Management Strategies, A. D. Bright; Journal of Leisure Research


A Typology of Collaboration Efforts in Environmental Management, Richard D. Margerum; Environmental Management


Citizens, Knowledge, and the Information Environment, Jennifer Jerit, Jason Barabas, and Toby Bolsen; American Journal of Political Science


Commentary: Identity, Practice and Dialogue, Nick Hopkins; Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology


Communication between Science, Policy and Citizens in Public Participation in Urban Forestry--Experiences from the Neighbourwoods Project, Gerben Janse and Cecil C. Konijnendijk; Urban Forestry & Urban Greening


Communication Management and Trust: Their Role in Building Resilience to “Surprises” Such as Natural Disasters, Pandemic Flu, and Terrorism, P. H. Longstaff and Sung-Un Yang; Ecology and Society


Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior, Michele J. Gelfand, Miriam Erez, and Zeynep Aycan; Annual Review of Psychology


Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Learning, Deana D. Pennington; Ecology and Society


Cultural Factors as Co-Determinants of Participation in River Basin Management, Bert Enserink, Mita Patel, Nicole Kranz, and Josefina Maestu; Ecology and Society


Culture and Conflict: Understanding, Negotiating, and Reconciling Conflicting Constructions of Reality, Anthony J. Marsella; International Journal of Intercultural Relations


Developing an Integrated Conceptual Framework to Understand Biodiversity Conflicts, Rehema M. White, Anke Fischer, Keith Marshall, Justin M. J. Travis, Thomas J. Webb, Salvatore di Falco, Steve M. Redpath, and Rene´ van der Wal; Land Use Policy


Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes Toward the Environment, Suzanne C. Gagnon Thompson and Michelle A. Barton; Journal of Environmental Psychology


Environmental Representations of Local Communities’ Spokespersons in Protected Areas, Tasos Hovardas, Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, and John D. Pantis; Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology


Epistemological Pluralism: Reorganizing Interdisciplinary Research, Thaddeus R. Miller; Timothy D. Baird; Caitlin M. Littlefield; Gary Kofinas; F. Stuart Chapin, III; and Charles L. Redman; Ecology and Society


Institutional Credibility and Leadership: Critical Challenges for Community-Based Natural Resource Governance in Rural and Remote Australia, Lionel V. Pero and Timothy F. Smith; Regional Environmental Change


Institutional Dynamics and the Negotiation Process: Comparing India and China, Rajesh Kumar and Verner Worm; International Journal of Conflict Management


Interactive Landuse Planning in Indonesian Rain-Forest Landscapes: Reconnecting Plans to Practice, Eva Wollenberg, Bruce Campbell, Edmond Dounias, Petrus Gunarso, Moira Moeliono, and Douglas Sheil; Ecology and Society


Managing Waters of the Paraíba do Sul River Basin, Brazil: A Case Study in Institutional Change and Social Learning, Lori M. Kumler and Maria Carmen Lemos; Ecology and Society

Models of Conflict Resolution in Japanese, German, and American Cultures, Catherine Tinsley; Journal of Applied Psychology


Negotiation, Max H. Bazerman, Jared R. Curhan, Don A. Moore, and Kathleen L. Valley; Annual Review of Psychology


Predicting Homeowners' Approval of Fuel Management at the Wildland-Urban Interface Using the Theory of Reasoned Action, Christine A. Vogt, Greg Winter, and Jeremy S. Fried; Society and Natural Resources


Public Participation in Forestry in Turkey, Erdoğan Atmiş, Sezgin Özden, and Wietze Lise; Ecological Economics


Purposes and Challenges of Public Participation in Regional and Local Forestry in Finland, Leena A. Leskinen; Forest Policy and Economics


Rethinking NIMBYism: The Role of Place Attachment and Place Identity in Explaining Place-Protective Action, Patrick Devine-Wright; Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology


Social Cognition and the Participatory Planning Process, Nilamadhab Kar and Brajaballav Kar; Systems Research and Behavioral Science


Supporting Material for Anti-Social Punishment across Societies, Benedikt Herrmann, Christian Thöni, and Simon Gächter; Science


Supporting the Shift from State Water to Community Water: Lessons from a Social Learning Approach to Designing Joint Irrigation Projects in Morocco, Marcel Kuper, Matheiu Dionnet, Ali Hammani, Younes Bekkar, Patrice Garin, and Bettina Bluemling; Ecology and Society


The Difference between Chinese and Western Negotiations, E. Alan Buttery and T. K. P. Leung; European Journal of Marketing


The Dynamic Interaction of Context and Negotiator Effects: A Review and Commentary on Current and Emerging Areas in Negotiation, Min Li, Leigh Plunkett Tost, and Kimberly Wade-Benzoni; International Journal of Conflict Management


The Dynamics of Social Capital and Conflict Management in Multiple Resource Regimes: A Case of the Southwestern Highlands of Uganda, Pascal C. Sanginga, Rick N. Kamugisha, and Andrienne M. Martin; Ecology and Society


The Growing Importance of Social Learning in Water Resources Management and Sustainability Science, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Erik Mostert, and David Tàbara; Ecology and Society


The Human Mind as a Barrier to Wiser Environmental Agreements, Max H. Bazerman, Don A. Moore, and James Judson Gillespie; American Behavioral Scientist


The Importance of Who You Meet: Effects of Self- versus Other- Concerns among Negotiators in the United States, the People's Republic of China, and Japan, Ya-Ru Chen, Elizabeth A. Mannix, and Tetsushi Okumura; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology


The Politics of Scale, Position, and Place in the Governance of Water Resources in the Mekong Region, Louis Lebel, Po Garden, and Masao Imamura; Ecology and Society


Understandings of Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Investigation, Monica Lee; Personnel Review


What Makes Community Forest Management Successful: A Meta-Study from Community Forests Throughout the World, Adcharaporn Pagdee, Yeon-su Kim, and P. J. Daugherty; Society and Natural Resources



Asset Building and Community Development, Gary Paul Green and Anna Haines; Asset Building and Community Development


Communication, Action and Meaning: The Creation of Social Realities, W. Barnett Pearce and Vernon E. Cronen; Communication, Action and Meaning: The Creation of Social Realities


Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations, Geert Hofstede; Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations


Deliberative Policy Analysis: Understanding Governance in the Network Society, Maarten A. Hajer and Hendrik Wagenaar; Deliberative Policy Analysis: Understanding Governance in the Network Society


Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In, Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton; Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In


Institutions and Organizations: Ideas and Interests, W. Richard Scott; Institutions and Organizations: Ideas and Interests

Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, Max H. Bazerman and Don A. Moore; Judgment in Managerial Decision Making


Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices, Frank Fischer; Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices

Rural Communities: Legacy and Change, Cornelia Butler Flora and Jan L. Flora; Rural Communities: Legacy and Change


The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture, Michele J. Gelfand and Jeanne M. Brett


The Politics of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process, Maarten A. Hajer; The Politics of Environmental Discourse: Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process


Understanding Institutional Diversity, Elinor Ostrom; Understanding Institutional Diversity


Working Through Environmental Conflict: The Collaborative Learning Approach, Steven E. Daniels and Gregg B. Walker; Working Through Environmental Conflict: The Collaborative Learning Approach

Book Chapters


Collaborative Resource Management: Discourse-Based Approaches and Evolution of TechnoReg‖, S. E. Daniels and A. S. Cheng; Society and Natural Resources: A Summary of Knowledge


Conflicting Interests in Social Life: Understanding Social Dilemmas, J. M. Weber and D. M. Messick; The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture


Heuristics in Negotiation: Limitations to Effective Dispute Resolution, Max H. Bazerman and M. A. Neale; Negotiating in Organizations


I Laughed, I Cried, I Settled: The Role of Emotion in Negotiation, Bruce Barry, Ingrid Smithey Fulmer, and Gerben A. Van Kleef; The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture


Institutional Rational Choice: An Assessment of the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework, Elinor Ostrom; Theories of the Policy Process


Nature Religion and Cultural Identity: The Religious Environmentalist Paradigm, Poul Pedersen; Asian Perceptions of Nature: A Critical Approach


The Encounter of Religion and Conservation, M. Palmer; Ethics of Environment and Development Global Challenge


The Evolution of Cognition and Biases in Negotiation Research: An Examination of Cognition, Social Perception, Motivation, and Emotion, Leigh Thompson, Margaret Neale, and Marwan Sinaceur; The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture


Varieties of Trust, P. Sztompka; Trust: A Sociological Theory

Working Papers

Unifying Negotiation Framework 1.0: An Organizing Metanarrative of Policy Discourse, Steve Daniels, Jens Emborg, and Gregg Walker