"Adobe Town - Ferris Mountains Wilderness Environmental Impact Statemen" by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

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This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzes the impacts that would result from designating or not designating three wilderness study areas as wilderness. The proposed action recommends a portion of WSAs 030-401/040-408 Adobe Town for wilderness designation (10,920 acres) and a portion for nonwilderness designation (74,790 acres). The proposed action also recommends all of WSA 030-407 Ferris Mountains for wilderness designation (22,245 acres). Several significant environmental issues were developed during the study process. Issues common to both WSAs include: (1) impacts on wilderness values, (2) impacts on energy and mineral development, (3) impacts on raptors, and (4) impacts on recreational off-road vehicle (ORV) use. Issues specific to the Adobe Town WSA include: (1) impacts on cultural resources, (2) impacts on paleontological resources, (3) impacts on livestock grazing management, and (4) impacts on antelope and mule deer. An issue specific to the Ferris Mountains WSA is impacts on forest management.


SuDocs call # I 1.98:AD 7
