"Rainbow Bridge National Monument General Management Plan, Development " by United States, Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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This General Management Plan provides the National Park Service with direction for long-range management, development, and use of the Rainbow Bridge National Monument. The plan responds to new issues identified during the planning process when the draft plan was published in September of 1990. A main concern expressed during public review of the draft plan was diverse public expectations for visitor experience, crowding, and the high number of visitors accessing a limited area of Rainbow Bridge. In addition, the plan and environmental assessment address these diverse public expectations along with the issues of a visitor experience, protection of natural and cultural resources, access, interpretive services, and facilities. A range of alternatives including the no-action alternative were considered in detail. The proposal and two alternatives presented in the plan focus on improvements to the monument, which respond to the planning issues. Under the no-action alternative, existing facilities would be retained.


SuDocs call # I 29.79/3:R 13/3
