Exploring Relationships Between Channel Gradient, Gravel Availability, and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Spawning Densities in the Logan River, Utah
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Journal/Book Title/Conference
Exploring Relationships Between Channel Gradient, Gravel Availability, and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Spawning Densities in the Logan River, Utah
Publication Date
Relationships, Channel Gradient, Gravel, Availability, Brown Trout, Densities, Logan River, Utah
Recommended Citation
Meredith, C., and P. Budy. 2009. Exploring relationships between channel gradient, gravel availability, and brown trout (Salmo trutta) spawning densities in the Logan River, Utah. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter Annual Meeting, February 18-‐19, 2008. Moab, UT.
Presentation at the American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter Annual Meeting, Moab, UT