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Tuesday, September 27th
12:00 AM

Animal Damage Control in Eastern United States


Donald A. Spencer

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Integrated Pest Management: A Useful Approach to Wildlife Damage Control?


Robert M. Timm, University of Nebraska

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Population Status of Blackbirds and Starlings in North America, 1966-81


Richard A. Dolbeer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Robert A. Stehn, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Reanalysis of Farmer Willingness to Tolerate Deer Damage in Western New York


D. J. Decker, Cornell University
N. Sanyal, Cornell University
T. L. Brown, Cornell University
R. A. Smolka Jr., Cornell University
N. A. Connelly, Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Wildlife Damage Control and Wildlife Management


Dale A. Jones, USDA Forest Service
Hugh C. Black, USDA Forest Service

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Wildlife Damage Control in Eastern Cities and Suburbs


Vagn Flyger, University of Maryland
Daniel L. Leedy, National Institute for Urban Wildlife
Thomas M. Franklin, The Wildlife Society

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Will Mammalian Pheromones be Useful in Wildlife Damage Control?


Dietland Müller-Schwarze, State University of New Work

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM