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Tuesday, September 27th
12:00 AM

An Effective Program in Coyote Damage Control


F. Robert Henderson, Kansas State University

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

An Update on Pesticides Registered for Control of Vertebrate Pests


William W. Jacobs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Chem-News - An On-Line Pesticide Information Program


W. G. Smith, Cornell University
R. I. Carruthers, Cornell University
J. Barnard, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Nuisance Bird Control in Virginia


Jim Hartlage, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Bob Thomas, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Joe May, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences
Phil Eggborn, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

The Role of New York State's Division of Fish and Wildlife in Deer Damage Control


Louis T. Berchielli, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM