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Sunday, October 18th
12:00 AM

Deer Damage Control Preferences and Use Decisions of New York Orchardists


K. G. Purdy, Cornell University
W. F. Siemer, Cornell University
G. A. Pomerantz, Cornell University
T. L. Brown, Cornell University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Effectiveness of Human Hair, BGR, and a Mixture of Blood Meal and Peppercorns in Reducing Deer Damage to Young Apple Trees


Michael R. Conover, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Gary S. Kania, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Home Range Responses of White-Tailed Deer to Crop-Protection Fences


S. E. Hygnstrom, University of Wisconsin - Madison
S. R. Craven, University of Wisconsin - Madison

12:00 AM

Perceptions and Management Preferences of Game Wardens and Extension Agents Towards Deer Damage to Soybeans


Linda A. Lyon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Patrick F. Scanlon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Preliminary Testing of a Selenium-Based Systemic Deer Browse Repellent


T. R. Angradi, The Pennsylvania State University
W. M. Tzilkowski, The Pennsylvania State University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Use of Soybean Fields in Eastern Virginia by White-Tailed Deer


Linda A. Lyon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Patrick F. Scanlon, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM