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Sunday, October 18th
12:00 AM

An Evaluation of Controlled Hunting for Management of Feral Pigeons


Michael D. Hoy, United States Department of Agriculture
Albert E. Bivings, United States Department of Agriculture

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Fox Squirrels Cause Power Outages: An Urban Wildlife Problem


J. C. Hamilton, University of Nebraska
R. J. Johnson, University of Nebraska
R. M. Case, University of Nebraska
M. W. Riley, University of Nebraska
W. W. Stroup, University of Nebraska

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Frogs Captured in Green Bean Harvest: Analysis of a Pest Problem


Donald F. Caccamise, Rutgers University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Public Tolerance of Deer in a Suburban Environment: Implications for Management and Control


Nancy A. Connelly, Cornell University
Daniel J. Decker, Cornell University
Sam Wear, Westchester County Department of Planning

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

The Critter Control Concept Approaches of a Firm Specializing in Nuisance Wildlife Control


Lynn Braband, Critter Control, Inc.
Kevin Clark, Critter Control, Inc.

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

The Future of Wildlife Damage Control in an Urban Environment


Gary J. San Julian, North Carolina State University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Urban Gray Squirrel Damage and Population Management: A Case History


J. Hadidian, National Park Service
D. Manski, National Park Service
V. Flyger, University of Maryland at College Park
C. Cox, U.S. Soldier's and Airmen's Home
G. Hodge, Humane Society of the United States

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM