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Sunday, October 18th
12:00 AM

Catch Effectiveness and Selectivity of Several Traps


Edward P. Hill, Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Characteristics of Predation and Losses in the New York Sheep Industry


Jay B. McAninch, The New York Botanical Garden
Michael J. Fargione, The New York Botanical Garden

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

New Uses of Livestock Guarding Dogs to Reduce Agriculture/Wildlife Conflicts


R. Coppinger, Hampshire College
J. Lorenz, Oregon State University
Lorna Coppinger, Hampshire College

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Wolf, Golden Eagle, and Coyote Problems in Montana


B. W. O'Gara, University of Montana
W. Rightmire, University of Montana

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM