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Sunday, April 6th
12:00 AM

A Comparison of Lethal and Non-Lethal Management Approaches to Reduce Damage Associated with Urban Crow Roosts in New York and Virginia


Richard B. Chipman, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services
Martin S. Lowney, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services
Kenneth J. Preusser, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services
Dage Blixt, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services
Allen L. Gosser, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Agricultural Bird Control, The Evolution of the Tools of the Trade


Michael R. Taber, Wildlife Control Technology, Inc.

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

An Overview of Current Blackbird Research in the Southern Rice Growing Region of the United States


John L. Cummings, USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center
Michael L. Avery, USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Characteristics of Spring and Fall Blackbird Roosts in the Northern Great Plains


George M. Linz, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services , National Wildlife Research Center
Richard S. Sawin, North Dakota State University
Mark W. Lutman, North Dakota State University
H. Jeffrey Homan, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services , National Wildlife Research Center
Linda B. Penry, USDA , APHIS , Wildlife Services , National Wildlife Research Center
William J. Bleier, North Dakota State University

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Efficacy of Integrated Bird Management Strategies at UK Landfill Sites


Andrew T. Baxter, Central Science Laboratory, Bird Management Unit, Sand Hutton

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Non-Lethal Harassment to Disperse Canada Geese in Winter Wheat Fields


Amy Villano, Rutgers University
David Drake, Rutgers University

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Use of Alarm/Alert Call Playback and Human Harassment to End Canada Goose Problems at an Ohio Business Park


Philip C. Whitford, Capital University

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM

Vultures: Soaring to New Heights or Flapping in the Breeze - A Texas Perspective


Denise M. Ruffino, USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services

Hot Springs, AR

12:00 AM