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Saratoga Springs, NY
Start Date
4-5-2009 12:00 AM
Several challenges confronting wildlife agencies today will become even more important in the future. These challenges include: reducing threats to human safety, preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases, increasing wildlife populations in suboptimal habitats, managing problems caused by overabundant native species and exotic species, and helping to sustain human food supplies by alleviating wildlife damage to agricultural production. Challenges such as these provide an opportunity for wildlife management to increase its importance in the future, especially for biologists and scientists within the field of wildlife damage management. We have the opportunity to enhance the value of the wildlife resource for society while, at the same time, preserving it for future generations.
Recommended Citation
Conover, M. R. (2009). Emerging challenges in wildlife management. In Boulanger, J. (Ed.), The Thirteenth Wildlife Damage Management Conference (14-16). Saratoga Springs, NY: Thirteenth WDM Conference.
Emerging Challenges in Wildlife Management
Saratoga Springs, NY
Several challenges confronting wildlife agencies today will become even more important in the future. These challenges include: reducing threats to human safety, preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases, increasing wildlife populations in suboptimal habitats, managing problems caused by overabundant native species and exotic species, and helping to sustain human food supplies by alleviating wildlife damage to agricultural production. Challenges such as these provide an opportunity for wildlife management to increase its importance in the future, especially for biologists and scientists within the field of wildlife damage management. We have the opportunity to enhance the value of the wildlife resource for society while, at the same time, preserving it for future generations.