Session 5 | 2009

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Monday, May 4th
12:00 AM

Effect of Goose Removals on a Suburban Canada Goose Population


Bryan L. Swift, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Richard B. Chipman, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
Kenneth J. Preusser, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

Saratoga Springs, NY

12:00 AM

Evaluation of an Electronic Device for Reducing Damage by Pileated Woodpeckers to Wooden Utility Poles


Shelagh K. Tupper, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
John L. Cummings, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
William F. Andelt, Colorado State University
Richard E. Harness, EDM International, Incorporated

Saratoga Springs, NY

12:00 AM

Evolving Bird Management Research at the USDA Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Research Center


Mark E. Tobin, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

Saratoga Springs, NY

12:00 AM

Habitat and Bird Communities at Small Airports in the Midwestern USA


Travis L. Devault, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
Jacob E. Kubel, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Olin E. Rhodes Jr., Purdue University
Richard A. Dolbeer, USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

Saratoga Springs, NY

12:00 AM