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Tuesday, February 28th
10:00 AM

Applications of Sensory Ecology for Wildlife Damage Management


Scott J. Werner
Shelagh T. Deliberto
Anna M. Mangan
Hailey E. McLean

10:00 AM

10:30 AM

Novel Technique for Removing Beaver Dams Using a Portable Winch System


Jimmy D. Taylor
Mark Robb
William Hodges
Scott Baras

Orange Beach, AL

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

Cage Efficacy Study of an Experimental Rodenticide Using Wild-Caught House Mice


Gary Witmer
Rachael Moulton
Celeste Samura

Orange Beach, AL

11:00 AM

11:30 AM

Cage Efficacy Study of Sodium Nitrite Formulations for Rodent Control


Gary Witmer
Rachael Moulton
Celeste Samura

Orange Beach, AL

11:30 AM

1:00 PM

A Field Evaluation of the Efficacy of Milorganite as a Repellent for Non-Venomous Rat Snakes (Elaphe obsolete)


George R. Gallagher
McKenzie Weisser
Daryon Smith
Danielle Creamer

1:00 PM