"Utah's Community Forests: Results of a Survey of Utah Towns and Cities" by Michael R. Kuhns, C. Reiter et al.

Utah's Community Forests: Results of a Survey of Utah Towns and Cities to Determine Characteristics of Urban and Community Forestry Programs

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Utah State University Extension

Publication Date



This report summarizes the results of a study of Utah’s urban/community forestry programs. A detailed questionnaire was sent to persons identified as community forestry contacts in every incorporated town and city in the state (n=237) in the summer of 2002. Responses were received from 138 or 58% of these communities representing 62% of Utah’s population. This rate was achieved through an initial mailing, a reminder postcard, a repeated complete mailing, and a reminder phone call. Respondents answered questions on forestry program support, budget, management authority and practices, strengths and weaknesses, and training and information needs. They also categorized their program activity level by categories developed from the federal Performance Management Accountability System (PMAS). Highlights of our results are presented here organized by categories used in the survey.

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