"Utah Adaptive Resources Management Greater Sage-Grouse Local Working G" by Terry A. Messmer, T. Black et al.

Document Type



Jack H. Berryman Institute, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA

Publication Date



The Community-based Conservation Program (CBCP) encompasses the historical range of sagegrouse in Utah as identified in the 2002 (2009 revised) Strategic Management Plan for Sagegrouse (Figure 1). The plan, approved by the Utah Wildlife Board on 1 June 2002 (revised 2009), mandated the organization of local sage-grouse working groups (LWGs) to develop and implement sage-grouse conservation plans. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) in cooperation with Utah State University Extension (USUEXT), private landowners, public and private natural resource, wildlife management, and conservation agencies and organizations have implemented the CBCP.
