"Environmental Assessment for Coal Planning Decisions in the Carbon Bas" by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

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In 1982, a federal coal lease was issued for approximately 60% of the federal coal lands located in the Carbon Basin. Because this lease was still in effect at the time the current BLM land use plan (the Great Divide Resource Area Resource Management Plan-RMP-1990) covering the Carbon Basin area was prepared, it was exempt from the coal screening/planning requirements. However, development of this lease was never pursued and the lease expired in 1992. Also at the time the Great Divide RMP was prepared, there was no other interest expressed by industry in obtaining federal coal leases in the area. As a result of these two factors, the coal screening/planning process was not conducted on the area and there were no coal planning decisions for any of the federal coal lands in the Carbon Basin area included in the Great Divide RMP.


SuDocs call # I 1.98:C 63/11
