"Exxon Wyoming-Dakota Pipeline Segment 2 and Hartzog Draw Unit CO2 Proj" by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

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This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to analyze potential impacts from the proposed completion of Segment 2 of the Wyoming-Dakota pipeline and the Hartzog Draw Unit CO2 Project. The impacts of constructing the pipeline were originally analyzed in the Bairoil/Dakota CO2 Project's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Record of Decision for that document was signed in February 1986, and construction on the first segment was completed in September 1986. This EA analyzes the possible environmental and socioeconomic impacts which could result from the proposals, and to solicit public comments and concerns. This document also serves as a request for any "interested persons" to identify themselves for the purpose of participating in the process of "protection of historic properties" as defined in 36 CFR 800.1 (c)(2).


SuDocs call # I 1.98:EX 9
