"Oil and Gas Leasing on the Thunder Basin National Grassland Final Envi" by United States Forest Service

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This Final Environmental Impact Statement was conducted to analyze what lands on the Medicine Bow National Forest, Thunder Basin National Grassland in northeast Wyoming could be available for leasing and what conditions could be attached to future leases. Seven alternatives are described, and potential effects are disclosed and evaluated. These alternatives represent possible ways to manage oil and gas leasing on 520,000 acres that are available for leasing. The alternatives are: ALTERNATIVE 1, Leasing consistent with the Forest Plan (No Action); ALTERNATIVE 2, Leasing with standard and special stipulations, consistent with the Forest Plan; ALTERNATIVE 3, Leasing with standard and special stipulations, recreation emphasis; ALTERNATIVE 4, Leasing with standard and special stipulations, greater recreation emphasis; ALTERNATIVE 5, No new leasing of National Forest System lands; ALTERNATIVE 6, Leasing with standard stipulations only; and, ALTERNATIVE 7, the Forest Service preferred alternative, is a modification of alternatives published in the draft EIS. Its effects lie within the range of impacts disclosed in the draft EIS.


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